Vegan Travel Germany, Wolbecker Windmühle 61, 48167 Muenster, Germany
Dirk B. Bocklage
Münster / Westf., Germany
Commercial Register: B 15240
VAT-ID No.: DE297844674
UK: +44 208 2438761 US: +1 971 2563301
What's on your mind? Do you have questions, wishes or suggestions? Is there a particular sailing you are interested in? Please tell us how we can help, and our team of vegan travel experts will be in touch with you as soon as possible so that you can sail away the vegan way with Vegan Travel!
Property rights: All content on this site (as well as the structure and design of the website) are property of Vegan Travel and copyright protected and licensed.
Picture credits: All used photographs originate, if not stated otherwise, from own sources and from,, and We are also using pictures from that run under a creative commons-license, intended for commercial use.
Vegan Travel lets you experience extraordinary, life-changing moments on and off the beaten path. Vegan Travel offers an array of fantastic all-vegan river and expedition cruises across the world. Discover our amazing voyages of discovery and sail away the vegan way.
We are passionate about plant-based travel and committed to guest satisfaction to ensure our international clients have the adventure of a lifetime. Welcome aboard!
© 2014 - 2025 Vegan Travel. All rights reserved. Made with vegan love in Muenster,Germany.